Neil Young Pono Music PlayerIf i’m honest I really didnt think it would be that long before someone started to market true high resolution music distribution and now thanks to Neil Young we have that someone. Announcing “Pono”, Neil Young showed off the iPod Nano esque Pono music player on the David Letterman Show and said that there would be a range of Pono players that can be used to store and playback the high resolution music (I definately hope the storage will be big as I suspect that the file size will be someone bigger than a 128kbps .mp3. Ed). The new distribution service has the backing of Sony Music, Universal Music Group and Warner Music Group and artists are already saying good things about the new service. Flea, Co-Founder and Bassist of the Red Hot Chilli Peppers, told Rolling Stone, “It’s not like some vague thing you need dogs’ ears to hear. It’s a drastic difference.” Could this be that start of the end for Apple iTunes or are Apple going to step up their game and start offering really good high quality music downloads too?

To stay informed of the latest developments it may be worth your while to pop your mouse over the hyperlink and signup on the official Pono website.